Oxbridge Finances Your Vendor’s Marketing Upfront

  • April 9, 2020
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Oxbridge Campaign Flow

 Oxbridge provides your vendors with a loan to cover their initial marketing for residential, commercial properties and for developers. This means they pay no marketing upfront until settlement or 90 days (extendable to 180 days), whichever is earlier. You may want to charge a “listing fee” or “administration fee” as part of your services to be included in the loan. Please see https://www.oxbridge.finance/vendor-advertising-finance/ and https://members.oxbridge.com.au/knowledge-base/marketing-brochures/

This adds to the current payment options provided to our vendors.

  • By Direct Transfer to Trust
  • By Credit Card/Debit Card
  • Installment payment using Afterpay and Ezidebit


To Apply for Vendor Finance:

  1. E-mail campaign@oxbridge.finance with:
  2. Apply for your vendors or vendors can apply for the loan themselves at https://onlinemembershipapplication.applyeasy.com.au/campaignflow
  3. When approved, funds will be released within 24 hours
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