Realestate.com.au Ignite Training
- August 31, 2022

Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,
Jasmin Gross <jasmin.gross@rea-group.com> Customer Onboarding Manager for Oxbridge is providing a free training to our members and affiliates on the Ignite platform. Ignite has recently completely replaced 1Form for all rental applications. This is a dedicated session for just Oxbridge members.
Time and Date: Thursday 1st of September, 2022 12.30pm AEST (10.30am WA, 12:00 SA/NT)
Meeting URL: https://rea-group.zoom.us/j/95285167055?pwd=R3cvNW9zdW83SHBONDc1NTFvblJkUT09&from=addon
Meeting ID: 952 8516 7055Passcode: 330175
Phone one-tap: Australia: +61280156011,,95285167055# or +61370182005,,95285167055#
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Meeting ID: 952 8516 7055
The Oxbridge Team