Oxbridge/MarketBuy – Using Marketbuy exclusively with Oxbridge
- July 28, 2022

Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,
Oxbridge is one of the largest agencies with MarketBuy and all Oxbridge agents have access to MarketBuy for free (see https://www.marketbuy.com.au/agents). Like Oxbridge Marketbuy is fast expanding into the US market and MarketBuy is one of our strategic partners. Market Buy saves agents hundreds of hours every quarter allowing them to increase their capacity without increasing their current workload. Boost your capacity and profitability without increasing your workload. Do more in less time with Market Buy
Time and Date: 21st of December, 2022 12.30pm AEST, 11.30am QLD, 9.30am WA, 11:00am SA/NT
Zoom Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpf–rpjoiHt03EQcSOSlGJae4CL0VEnul
We know, as you do, that the market has shifted considerably in the last couple of months. We are seeing far less multiple offers and more and more single buyers, so we’ve made some changes.
We have altered Market Buy to better handle the emerging market and ensure that our software is every bit as potent and usable for single offers as it is for hot markets where you have 20 buyers for every property.
Join us this Wednesday at 12.30pm Eastern Standard Time for an update of what we’ve been doing to adapt to the new market conditions.
You’ll learn:
– Our new simplified property set up
– How to leverage fear of loss, using Market Buy, with just one buyer
– How to use counter offers
– How million dollar agents are using MarketBuy
– How to demonstrate to your potential sellers how you are using technology to get the very best results for them.
Session recorded.
The Oxbridge Team