Bali Oxbridge Trip and Project Launch 10th-20th October, 2022
- August 31, 2022
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September 6, 2022 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Australia/Sydney Timezone

Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,
We are pleased to invite Oxbridge agents and affiliates to join us on a trip to beautiful Bali (see https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ch58GctphE-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link). Oxbridge is launching a new international projects platform as well as 8+ new projects in Bali. Madi Wruck our Bali trip coordinator will outline the purpose, itinerary and schedule for the upcoming trip and how these projects can give agents and affiliates an extra source of additional listings and income.
Time and Date: Friday 2nd September, 2022, 12.30pm AEST (10.30am WA, 12:00am SA/NT)
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/6806901300
Session Recorded
The Oxbridge Team