Harvard Alumni Event: HAE India Knowledge Series with Sanjeev Sanyal
- July 29, 2021
Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,
We have been invited by the prestigious Harvard Alumni Club and the Stanford Alumni Club to attend an exclusive free online session for Oxbridge members. The speaker is Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Advisor to the Government of India, as he shares his perspectives on the Indian economy. Sanjeev is a Rhode Scholar to Oxford University and was Global Strategist & Managing Director at Deutsche Bank until 2015
Zoom: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/94398591387
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This event is co-hosted by the Stanford India Club (North and East) and is open to Stanford Alumni.
Join us for the first session of our Knowledge Series, hosted by HAE India. These live knowledge sharing sessions aim to bring together the HAE community in a compact 60 minute format. Each Knowledge Series event will be led by a guest speaker who is both an expert in their field, and a pioneer in the entrepreneurial world.
This session will feature Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Advisor to the Government of India, as he shares his perspectives on the Indian economy, his experience as an author and environmentalist, and what he believes to be India’s path forward. As one of India’s most prominent economists, Sanjeev brings decades of experience to this discussion. Don’t miss part one of our exciting conversation on the past, present, and future of the Indian economy.
Areas of interest: Entrepreneurship, Advice, Community, Knowledge sharing
About Sanjeev Sanyal

Sanjeev Sanyal is the Principal Economic Advisor to the Government of India. An internationally acclaimed economist and best-selling author, he spent two decades in the financial sector and was Global Strategist & Managing Director at Deutsche Bank till 2015. He was named Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2010. He is also a well-known environmentalist and urban theorist. In 2007, he was awarded the Eisenhower Fellowship for his work on urban dynamics. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Oxford University, an Adjunct Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore and a Senior Fellow of the World Wide Fund for Nature. He has also served on the Future City Sub-Committee of the Singapore government tasked with building a long-term vision for the city-state.
Sanjeev attended Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi and Oxford University where he was a Rhodes Scholar (1992-95). His best-selling books include Land of the Seven Rivers, The Indian Renaissance and The Ocean of Churn, all published by Penguin. In addition, he had published around 200 articles, columns and reports in leading national/international publications. He was given the inaugural International Indian Achievers Award for contributions to Literature in 2014. He has been a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, London and a Visiting Fellow of IDFC Institute, Mumbai.