Low Doc Loans – Loans for the Self-Employed – Ben Brown RateMoney

  • August 15, 2021
August 20, 2021 @ 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm Australia/Sydney Timezone
Low Doc Loans - Loans for the Self-Employed - Ben Brown RateMoney

Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,

We have the pleasure of inviting Ben Brown, Oxbridge’s exclusive relationship manager at RateMoney. RateMoney is a Self-Employed Specialists lender (perfect for brokers and agents) and was voted as one of the best specialist lenders in Australia. Oxbridge has an exclusive referral arrangement with RateMoney, either direct or through our Aggregator.

Ben is a very experienced broker with over 12 years of experience. A graduate from the University of Sydney he has  extensive lending experience with RAMS and CUA.



  1. Low Doc/Full Doc/LMI – Background and Terminology
  2. Rate Money Company Background and Product Information
  3. Application/Referral Process
  4. Questions and Answers

Time and Date: Friday 1.00pm 20/08/2021 AEST

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/6806901300

See also https://members.oxbridge.com.au/calendar/



Rate Money was founded on one principle: to make sure the Self-Employed get a fairer go with their home loans. And with over 50 years of combined experience and expertise, our founders continue to develop innovative ways to help other Self-Employed people get the finance they need to build their dreams and property portfolios.

No Risk Fees. No LMI. No False Promises. No Bandits. You should be rewarded for being Self-Employed. Not punished. So we’ve got rid of ‘risk’ fees because you’re not risky. You’re brave. We got rid of Lender’s Mortgage Insurance (LMI) because why should you pay to insure a bank or other lender? And we’ll always be straight with you too. No wasting your time with false promises or gibberish. ‘Cause you’ve got a business to run.

The Oxbridge Team

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