Realestate Investar: Sub-dividing a property can be one of the best ways to manufacture equity and generate substantial profits.
- March 27, 2022
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April 13, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Australia/Sydney Timezone

Dear Oxbridge Partners and Affiliates,
Oxbridge has a full subscription to RP Data, Price Finder and Real Estate Investar at significant discounts. These training sessions are invaluable for agents, developers, brokers and investors
When you divide one property into two or more you can add value just by registering the new lots. This then presents the opportunity for you to:
- Sit on the lots and wait for an upturn in the market.
- Sell one property to pay down debt on the other.
- Add another property onto the new lot.
During this 60-minute webinar, you will learn how to:
- Instantly filter properties with development potential from the thousands of listings currently on the market
- Find big off-market blocks suitable for duplex or townhouse development
- Check for precedence in an area and identify the highest and best use of a site
- See at a glance: maximum building height, minimum lot size, council and zoning details
- View street frontage and easements
- See the demographic and household income for an area so you can build to the demand
- Run fast feasibility assessments for a duplex or townhouse development
- Work out Residual Land Value: the price ceiling when purchasing a block of land to achieve your minimum 20% profit margin
- Quickly generate Development Potential Reports to understand how much you will earn from your investment
- Set watchlist notifications to be emailed as soon as a shortlisted property hits the market
Wednesday 13 April 7pm – 8pm AEST (7pm QLD, 5pm WA, 7.30pm SA/NT)
Zoom: https://global.gotowebinar.com/join/4228752928349195531/355918701
The Oxbridge Team